Accalliah Chemukh's Profile
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Accalliah Chemukh
Gender: Female Age: unknown Country: , Ohio Join Date: 15 Oct 2015, 8:33am (9 years, 4 months ago) Last Seen: 25 Aug 2018, 6:03am (6 years, 6 months ago) |
About Accalliah Chemukh:
Welcome to MY SNIFF, I do hope you enjoy it, TEEHEE. Don't mind my weirdness. I'm am very kind, don't be shy I'm fun to talk to :3 I am very loyal towards my friends so please don't do anything to make me made or if I were you I'd keep your muzzle shut and watch what you say. Besides that I love making friends, I like saying hello to people so please don't make it awkward, I hate it when people make things seem awkward. I love to draw it's one of my passions, I like drawing on the computer even though I'm not all that good at it but someday I hope that I'll be good at it. I love snuggles,huggles, and cuddles so don't be afraid to snuggle meh :3. You may send a request to me doesn't bother me :3 I hope you've had a good day and I hope that we can get a long real well I like laughing and joking around sometimes I go way to far not on purpose I just got problemssssss.....If I go WAY off the top, tell me and I''' try to keep it under cotrol.My real name is Brynn. Not Bryan, Brine, or Bryne, just Brynn. Like Brinn but spelled differently.I'm doing this cuz everyone says my name wrong and it gets annoying ^-,-^
Relationship: None
Dad: u07501
Siblings: Foxy100
Grampaw: Snickers (also my rl brother, rlly weird family we got goin'
Grammypaw: SkylarTheWolf
My BEST friends are of course:
I have no idea what I would have done if I didn't have these particular people in my life, I'm so grateful for each and everyone of them! Ty for being there as my snuggle buddies!!!!!<3333
My favorite animals are white-tailed deer, Harpy Eagles, Snow leopards, and uh duh Wolves TBH I used to act like a wolf or a snow leopard because I loved them so much xD.
I am a rebel, once I ate chocolate brownie mix when my mom wasn't home an I'm not allowed to but I do anyways cuz I'm a <----Rebel. I like loops, but I like Captain Crunch more...;3
Things I hate: Awkward Silence, rude people, bullies, etc all that bad stuff.....Teehee >:3
]CREDITS:TY to Dawny who colored the wedding dress for my my mom's wedding just in time! :3 Ty to Kiro for coloring me some sweet looking poses! How sweet of him! ;3 x3 Credit goes to Kiro for creating a lovely Pose that I got to color(Sitting up). xXShadowWolfpupXx for the I'm a kitty cat pose. Ty to 77lulu77 for making me my own pose(aweeee-cuteeee)
Click the spoiler if you dare ;3 Lol, it's just my new character's ref, if you click ty I appreciate it! I have 3 characters in which their names are Accalliah Chemukh(Oc), Lykaios, and Okailos(my newest character)
My ref below is Lykaios, she's the only one that has a ref right now cuz I need to finish the others D;D
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Accalliah Chemukh 8 years, 9 months ago
Yeah I know you, Zone, bigcats, and more ppl are here but I've just been busy, since it's summer now maybe I'll be in more :)
Accalliah Chemukh 8 years, 10 months ago
OMG, I WUV HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! TYtytytytyytytytytyytyty sooooooooooooo much x33333
Accalliah Chemukh 9 years ago
Hey there everyone! I made this cute little Unicorn cx
I'm really impressed with myself considering I can't draw on the computer very well. I think I did quite a good job in my opinion anyone else think so? xD :3 Please don't steal him 3:
I'm really impressed with myself considering I can't draw on the computer very well. I think I did quite a good job in my opinion anyone else think so? xD :3 Please don't steal him 3:
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Zone 9 years ago
...I asked Snickers if you were mad at me because I kept trying to talk to you but you'd leave the room. He said yes
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